Uncovering Anonymous Email Accounts

Stalking and harassment can occur through anonymous email accounts. Often times our clients have an email sent from a fake Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo email account and need help obtaining information about the sender. Or an email is sent from a Google account to an employer that contains false and defamatory information. Fake email accounts are also used to disseminate revenge porn. In the midst of a custody battle or divorce, anonymous emails may be sent to customers and employees. Attorneys are able to obtain information that could lead to discovering who create the anonymous email account through several different venues.

What Information is Available From Email Companies?

Each email company stores different information from its users. Generally, companies like Google, Microsoft and AOL provide the following subscriber information about the individual who created an anonymous email address:

  • IP addresses

  • Subscriber information

  • Account ID: 292195533617

  • Name

  • e-Mail

  • Alternate e-Mails: 

  • Account creation date

  • Terms of Service IP address

  • Last Logins

  • Recovery e-Mail: 

  • Recovery SMS: 

  • Signin Phone Numbers 

  • User Phone Numbers

  • Reachable Phone Numbers

  • 2-Step Verification Phone Numbers, and

  • IP and date logs.

This information can be very helpful to identify the owner of an anonymous email account.

 Actual Google Subscriber Information

 Obtaining Information About Anonymous e-Mail Accounts